Then lots of skyping, some amazing presents and The Kite Runner later we went for a set Christmas dinner...where I forgot to take any photos, except for this one of our salad starter, it was this between 3 sharing is caring and all that.

After some delicious mushroom soup the main course was steak, a square of tuna lasagne, some BBQ chicken, french fries and a dollop of mashed potato with mediterranean style vegetables. All on one plate naturally.
And apple pie to finish.
I probably couldn't have dreamt up a more fittingly Chinese take on a traditional Christmas Dinner.
It's been an alright day really. I was worried it'd all be terribly sad, being away from home for my first Christmas. As it went we had an amazing night out last night, I had a gigglesome morning, great fun opening my presents via skype and a great dinner and some more giggles. I suppose these things are what you make them. So, just a massive massive thank you to the people who sent me presents/hung out with me all day, it's been really good.
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