The wall between floors 2/3 of our building....

look a little closer...
So this little gem appeared on the wall between floors 2&3, which is odd. Firstly because if this person lives on floor 2/3 they will have had to stalk us up to the 6th floor to know where we live. Secondly because people don't normally contact people by writing messages in the stairwell of where they live. Thirdly, well personally I find the fact it took him (I'm sure it's a him, the weird ones always are) two attempts to get his phone number right pretty odd. Fourthly and finally, it's just bizarre, it's such a removed way of contacting us, a note under the door would be more normal, even a note on the wall outside of our flat...All in all strange, but very very Chinese. Laowai or foreigners, as we're regularly referred to are pretty much fair game for staring at, talking to, emailing/phoning out of the blue. I suppose writing a message on our building wall is really no more odd though then adding us on facebook and popping a message on our facebook walls, except the Chinese don't generally use facebook, maybe something was lost in translation.
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